
Cope with fear

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149.99 €

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How to cope with fear

Corona virus updates are dominating the news cycles, social media feeds, conversations and interactions. The fear of the unknown is there.

The main concern is our physical health, but what about our mental health? During times like these the public hysteria, fear and worries catapult many of us into a state of palpable anxiety.

Anxiety causes us to experience stress. Stress has many negative effects on the body such as lowering your immune system! Isn´t this ironic? Consequently it's super important to manage our stress levels, especially during challenging times like these when anxiety is running high.

Mother Nature offers natural remedies to help you cope with these emotions. We put together this special package for you!

"Cope with fear" Kit:

  • Stress Away Essential Oil (stress, panic, fear, anxiety, sleeping issues)
  • Acceptance Essential Oil (support us in accepting situations and changes, stress, anxiety)
  • Believe Essential Oil (support us in beleiving that we can change our situations, stress, anxiety)
  • Rescue Remedy Bach Flowers (fear, anxiety & panic)

How to use ?

Essential oils:

  • Diffuse or inhale
  • Apply to the bottoms of feet, at the base of the neck and or along the spine, 1-3 drops 3x/day.

Bach Flowers:

  • Rescue Remedy can be taken as often as needed, either by adding 4 drops directly in your mouth or adding 2-4 drops in a glass of water and drink it slowly over a period of time.

Stay calm!