Holy Domi · Egyptian massage · Mallorca · Santa Ponsa

Egyptian massage

Immerse yourself in Ancient Egypt!

The holistic Egyptian Massage is a mystical and ancestral massage originating from Egyptian culture, based on practices and maneuvers with Egyptian symbology and sacred oils of ancient Egypt that connects us with the wisdom of the temples, pyramids and pharaohs.

The Massage of the Pharaohs treats spiritual elevation through neuromuscular massage, causing impulses, due to the manipulation it exerts through the central nervous system, being very effective for disorders that can occur in it.

It is used for two purposes, as physical practice, to treat adhesions, tensions and muscular injuries and as a method to restore balance and spiritual harmony.

The Egyptian massage in its spiritual aspect drains and purifies toxins from our body, makes us feel lighter, helps us connect with our soul and calm our mind.

It is a massage in which the movements are very smooth and it works on the legs, feet, arms, hands, stomach, face, shoulders and back.

The Egyptian Massage is accompanied by sacred aromatherapy which allows us to work both the physical body, as well as the mental and emotional, taking the person in a serene way to their state of natural balance.

A gift to pamper the body and feel exquisite relaxation.

The final benefits and its effective results can be taken advantage of on a physical, mental and emotional level. Indeed, the Egyptian Massage may:

  • transport you to a state of absolute relaxation, letting all emotional, physical and energetic tensions flow
  • reduce anxiety & stress, improove sleep
  • eliminate adhesions and muscular contractures (relax the muscles and drain the lactic acid that accumulates in these)
  • improve muscle elasticity and flexibility
  • promote lymphatic and blood drainage
  • reactivate and improve lymphatic and blood circulation
  • promote venous return
  • reduce fluid retention
  • reduce the accumulation of fat
  • stimulate the elasticity of the skin
  • decrease flaccidity
  • stimulate the immune system
  • activate & accelerate the self-repairing capacity of the body (diseases, emotions and pain)
  • eliminate toxins
  • regulate the functions of the nervous system
  • rebalance the two cerebral hemispheres
  • unlock energy knots
  • favor the release of emotional blocks
  • help to awaken the conscience
  • harmonize, energize and stabilize the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies
  • balance the energy centers (chakras) and generate comprehensive well-being
  • release blocked energies
  • cleanse the Auric Layer
  • help personal and spiritual growth and develop our potential


Name: Egyptian

Service: Massage

Duration: 90 min

Price: 80 €

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Whatsapp or phonecall on +34 633 390 608 between 10 am and 6 pm (Monday to friday)